Storytelling is a powerful way to raise more money for your mission, engage new donors, and build community.

Why is storytelling so persuasive?

Simply put, humans are hardwired to recall stories.

That’s why I want to show you how to leverage the power of persuasive storytelling to communicate who your mission serves and how it impacts the world.

There are four types of stories you can use to inspire financial support:


Founder Story


What: Sharing the journey of why your nonprofit was started

Why: Persuades donors your mission is worth investing in


Purpose Story


What: Shares the impact your nonprofit on staff and board members

Why: Creates inspiration and alignment with every member of your nonprofit family


Client or Patron Story


What: Allows your clients or patrons to share their authentic experiences

Why: Reveals the impact of your mission


Value Story


What: Illustrates the value of your nonprofit mission

Why: Makes your nonprofit timely and relevant